Review Roundup: Superman, Transformers and More!

It's a Monday and the last thing on anybody's mind is working. So, I will help you keep your mind distracted by posting reviews for some great comics books, books and an interesting TV set top box. Click on the hyperlinks or on the pictures to read the reviews. Enjoy!

Action Comics #900
I cannot believe that a comic has been around for 900 issues! Issue 1 with the first appearance of Superman debuted in 1938. Sadly, it is rebooting. Read the link to read more about why it is being rebooted.

For the average person, understanding quantum mechanics is like learning how to make a perpetual motion machine, it just cannot be done. Author James Kakalios tries to "dumb down" quantum mechanics for the average person. For the most part, I would say that he succeeds, but it is not a clear cut victory by any means.

The Goon Volume 1: Nothin' But Misery 2nd Edition 
I love unique comics. They show that comics are not just superhero comics.

Roku XDS 
The Roku isn't a bad idea, but it has a long way to go before everyone has it in their home.

The Terminator: 2029 to 1984
Man, this is better than Terminator: Salvation. Read it if you love Terminator and want to know more about Kyle Reese, John Connor's father.

Transformers Vault 
I love this book. It covers the history of the Transformers franchise from its toys to comic books to cartoon to movies.


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