Enough is Enough and It's Time for a Change

Over the last few years, a lot of changes caused me to not make a real effort to write anywhere near as much as I have wanted to or have in the past. I've taken my writing for granted and tried to live on my past laurels, which for a creative person, created a blackhole that ate upon itself, gaining mass at an alarming rate. It could have consumed me, killing my creative side, however, I came out a winner. It's not been an easy road, but I'm fine with that. It's created a stronger Steve as a result with a resolve to dedicate his life to the people and things that he enjoys.

Over the next month or so, there'll be some changes to the site. Some will be cosmetic and others will be related to content. I intend to write more geeky (and some not-so-geeky) poetry as well essays, possibly news, and updates pertaining to what else I'm working on. All I can say about one of my blooming projects is that I'm DJing a new podcast. I plan on having the first episode out by the end of the month. Stay tuned as you'll be entertained with all the new content that's dropping soon. For now, follow me on Twitter where I'll be a crazy stream-of-consciousness monster and 140-character poetry machine from now o


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